Ergotechnics - Recruitment


Induction Training

When we recruit new staff, to ensure they are integrated quickly into the team we have established an induction program.

For new trainees this has proved invaluable, with the structured program we are assured that the training given allows them confidence to quickly become an effective member of staff.

The 'in-house' training includes; office procedures, health and safety and extensive training of the software used; MicroStations, Revit, Solidworks.

If necessary the trainees attend college to gain an HNC qualification in Building Studies with day release

The Induction program initially is for 6 months; however, the training has only just begun. As forerunners of the software development the training is a continuous process for all staff.


The training of staff is paramount to the company. We pride ourselves as being ahead of the crowd and to ensure this is possible, we carry out training on a frequent basis.

Although there is no specific timetabled structure to the training, all staff are included and it is ongoing throughout the year.

As new software is brought in staff are given every opportunity to be involved with the development and the integration of its use with projects that are in progress.

With established software and media we carry out training to ensure that all staff are always able to use all systems that are part of office procedures and again made aware of any changes.

CAD Software Training

Software training is given in different forms, using different methods depending on the needs of the staff: whole staff, small groups, one on one.

Since there are constant developments with CAD software that occur we are also able to keep abreast of these due to the enthusiasm of our staff; training occurs all the time, staff support and encourage each other and inform each other of different / new methods, techniques, etc.

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